「Element-specific measurement of atomic structure in complex materials over multiple length-scales」
Principal Investigator:
Shinji Kohara
(National Institute for Materials Science, Chief researcher,Groupleader/Synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurement)
Kouichi Hayashi
(Nagoya Institute of Technology, Professor, X-ray fluorescence Holography)
Hiroo Tajiri
(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Principal researcher, Surface X-ray diffraction/instrumentation)
Akihiko Hirata
(Waseda University, Professor, Electron diffraction)
Yohei Onodera
(National Institute for Materials Science, Senior Researcher, Neutron diffraction)
Koji Kimura
(Nagoya Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor)
Yasuhiko Benino
(Okayama University, Assosiate Professor, Non-crystalline structure modeling)

Synchrotron X-ray measurements in a synergetic combination with neutron and electron diffraction experiments for investigating “hyper-ordered structures”. Our first mission in the project is the development of a synchrotron high-throughput element-specific instrument for the measurement of atomic structure in complex materials over multiple length-scales.
We will work on complex systems like disordered materials and dopants under extreme conditions like high temperature and high pressure, by utilizing instrumentations for very small amounts of samples and very small area. Moreover, we are going to pursue synergetic cooperation with other groups to develop the methodology to determine “hyper-ordered structure” by establishing the concept of “hyper-ordered structure”. Our ultimate goal is the fabrication of novel hyper-structure materials by controlling “hyper-ordered structures” with the assistance of high temperature and high pressure.
We are going to measure “hyper-ordered structure” in samples synthesized by A01 sample team in a collaboration with A02-2 electronic structure group and try to understand “hyper-ordered structure” in a synergetic collaboration with A03 theory group to establish the matured concept of “hyper-ordered structure”. Finally, we are going to take on the challenge of fabricating novel hyper-structure materials by controlling “hyper-ordered structure” with the assistance of high temperature and high pressure.